Year | Country/Territory | Miss World | Location | Date |
2011 | Ivian Sarcos | London, United Kingdom | 6 November | |
2010 | Alexandria Mills | Sanya, China | 30 October | |
2009 | Kaiane Aldorino | Johannesburg, South Africa | 12 December | |
2008 | Ksenia Sukhinova | Johannesburg, South Africa | 13 December | |
2007 | Zhang Zilin | Sanya, China | 1 December | |
2006 | Taťána Kuchařová | Warsaw, Poland | 30 September | |
2005 | Unnur Birna Vilhjálmsdóttir | Sanya, China | 10 December | |
2004 | María Julia Mantilla | Sanya, China | 4 December | |
2003 | Rosanna Davison | Sanya, China | 6 December | |
2002 | Azra Akın | London, United Kingdom | 7 December | |
2001 | Agbani Darego | Sun City, South Africa | 16 November | |
2000 | Priyanka Chopra | London, United Kingdom | 30 November |
Country/Territory | Titles | Winning years |
6 | 1955, 1981, 1984, 1991, 1995, 2011 | |
5 | 1966, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2000, | |
1961, 1964, 1965, 1974(resigned) , 1983 | ||
3 | 1973, 1990, 2010 | |
1985, 1988, 2005 | ||
1963, 1976, 1993 | ||
1951, 1952, 1977 | ||
2 | 1992, 2008 | |
1967, 2004 | ||
1969, 1987 | ||
1956, 1980 (resigned) | ||
1960, 1978 | ||
1958, 1974 (took over title in November 1974) | ||
1968, 1972 | ||
1959, 1962 | ||
1 | 2009 | |
2007 | ||
2006 | ||
2003 | ||
2002 | ||
2001 | ||
1998 | ||
1996 | ||
1989 | ||
1986 | ||
1982 | ||
1980 (took over title on 28 November 1980) | ||
1979 | ||
1975 | ||
1971 | ||
1970 | ||
1957 | ||
1954 | ||
1953 |
Highest, Biggest, Longest, Largest, Deepest in the World
Airliner, Largest: Boeing 747Animal, Tallest: Giraffe
Animal, Fastest: The Peregerine Falcon
Archipelago, Largest: Indonesia
Bird, Fastest: Swift
Bird, Largest: Ostrich
Bird, Smallest: Humming Bird
Bridge, Longest Railway: Huey P. Long Bridge (U.S.A.)
Building, Tallest in Asia: The Connaught Centre in Hong Kong (195 metres tall; has 46 floors)
Building, Highest in the world: Sears Tower in Chicago (440-metre high. It is a 110-storey tower which is nearly 60 metres taller than the Empire State building in New York)
Canal, Longest, small ship: Beloye (White Sea) Baltic Canal (CIS) 226 km long
Canal, Longest, big ship: Suez Canal (U.A.R.) (161 km)
Canalised System, Longest: Volga-Baltic Canal (2960 km)
Capital, Highest: Lhasa (Before domination of Tibet by China) 3684 metres above sea-level
City, Highest: Wenchuan (China) 5,100 metres above sea-level La Paz (capital of Bolivia) stands at an altitude of 3632 metres above sea-level
City, Largest in population: Shanghai followed by: Tokyo, New York, Beijing, London and Moscow
Conference Hall, World’s Highest: At Nathu-La Pass on Indo-China border in Sikkim
Continent, Largest: Asia
Continent, Smallest: Australia
Coral Formation, Largest: The Great Barrier Reef (North-east coast of Australia)
Country, Largest in Population: China followed by India
Country, Largest (in area): Russia
Country (with largest electorate): India.
Creature, Largest: Blue Whale is the largest creature in the world today. It can grow up to a weight of 150 tonnes.
Dam, Highest: The Grande (Switzerland)
Day, Longest: June 21 (in Northern Hemisphere)
Day, Shortest: Dec 22 (in Northern Hemisphere)
Delta, Largest: The world’s largest delta is that created by the Ganges and Brahmaputra in Bangladesh and West Bengal, India.
Desert, Largest (in the world): Sahara (Africa)
Desert, Largest (in Asia): Gobi (Mongolia)
Diamond, Largest: The Cullinan (over 1½ lb.)
Dome, Largest: “Astrodome” in Housten, Texas (U.S.A.); outside dia: 216 metres and inside 196 metres. (The largest dome in India is Gol Gumbaz (Bijapur) 44 metres in Dia.)
Employer, Largest of India: Indian Railways
Epic, Longest: Mahabharata
Forest, Largest: Coniferous forest of Northern Russia
Gulf, Largest: Gulf of Mexico
Highest Motorable Road: Khardungla-Leh-Manali sector 5682 Mt
Highest Non-military Airport: Leh 3256 Mt
Island, Largest: Greenland
Islands, Largest (Group of): Malaya Archipelago
Lake, Largest Artificial: Lake Mead (Boulder Dam)
Lake, Deepest: Baikal (Siberia); average depth 701 metres
Lake, Highest: Titicaca (Bolivia) 3854 metres above sea level
Lake, Largest Fresh Water: Superior (50,200 sq km)
Lake, Largest Salt Water: Caspian Sea (26 metres below sea-level)
Largest Crater of India: The Lonar in Vidharba region of Maharashtra
Largest Inland Waterway of India: Kerala
Largest Barrage of India: Farakka 224 mt
Largest Stadium of India: Salt Lake Stadium Kolkata, 1,20,00 capacity
Largest Tribe of India: Gond
Largest Library of India: National Library Kolkata
Largest Exhibition Ground of India: Pragati Maidan, New Delhi 150 Acres
Largest Ocean Island of India: Middle Andaman
Largest River Basin of India: Ganga Basin
Largest Estuary: at the mouth of the river Hooghly
Library, Largest: United States Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (more than 59,000,000 items).
Longest Ropeway in India: connecting Joshimath in Uttranchal 4.15 km long
Longest Train in India: Prayag Express running between Delhi and Allahabad (24 bogies)
Longest Road Tunnel in India: Chiplin—Koya Nagar, Maharashtra 1 km long
Longest National Highway of India: NH-7, 2369 km
Longest Cave of India: Krem um Kwan Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya
Mountain Peak, Highest in the world: Everest (Nepal)
Mountain Peak, Highest in India: Godwin Austen (8,611 m)
Mountain Peak, Highest in Africa: Kilimanjaro (5,888 m)
Mountain Peak, Highest in Europe: Elbruz (5,633 m )
Mountain Range, Highest: Himalayas
Mountain Range, Longest: Andes (S. America), 8,800 km in length
Museum, Largest: American Museum of Natural History, New York city. It comprises 19 inter-connected buildings with 23 acres of floor space.
Nuclear Reactor, Biggest: France
Ocean, Deepest and Biggest: The Pacific
Palace, Biggest: Vatican
Park, Largest: Wood Buffalo National Park in Alberta Canada. Area : 28260 sq km.
Peninsula, Largest: Arabia
Pilot, Youngest of India: Capt Nivedita Bhasin, at age 26 in 1990 became youngest pilot to command a jet aircraft
Place, Coldest: Verkhoyansk (Russia); Temperature 85° below zero
Place, Dryest: Death Valley (California); rainfall 1.5 inch
Place, Hottest: Azizia (Libya, Africa 58°C (136°F)
Place, Rainiest: Cheerapunji (Meghalaya, India)
Planet, Biggest: Jupiter
Planet, Brightest: Venus
Planet, Farthest (from the sun): Pluto
Planet, Nearest (to the sun): Mercury
Planet, Smallest: Mercury
Planetarium, biggest: Tsukuba, Japan
Plateau, Highest: Pamir (Tibet)
Platform, Longest: Kharagpur platform in West Bengal (India)
Railway, Longest: Trans-Siberian Railway (9,600 km long)
Railway Station, Largest: Grand Central Terminal, New York City, covers 48 acres. On an average more than 550 trains and 180,000 people per day use it.
River, Longest: Nile (6,679 km)
Sea-bird, Largest: Albatross
Sea, Largest: South China Sea
Star, Brightest: Sirius (also called Dog Star)
Statue, Tallest : “Motherland” an enormous female figure on Mamayev Hill, outside Volgagrad (Russia).
Swimming Course, Longest recognised: English Channel
Tallest TV Tower of India: Rameshwaram, T.N. 1000 feet
Telescope, Largest Radio: The world’s largest and most sensitive radio telescope, Y-shaped with each arm 21 km long with 27 mobile antennae on rails, built in New Mexico (USA).
Telescope, Largest Solar: Kit Peak National Observatory, Arizona USA
Telescope, Largest Reflector: Mount Semirodriki, in the Caucasus (CIS)
Telescope, Largest Refractor: Yerkes Observatory, Wisconsin (USA)
Tunnel, Longest Railway: Secken Tunnel (Japan)
Tunnel, Longest Road: St Gothard tunnel in Switzerland (16.32 km)
Village, Highest: Andean (Chile) 5334 metres above sea-level
Volcano, Highest: Cotopaxi (Andes, Ecuador)
Volcano, Largest: Mauna Lea (Hawaii); crater
Wall, Longest: Great Wall of China (2400 km)
Water Falls, Greatest in the world: Victoria Falls on river Zambesi (Zambia) 1700 metres wide
Waterfall, Highest: Angel (Venezuela)
Water, Lowest body of: Dead Sea
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
(1) The Pyramids of Egypt; (2) the Hanging Gardens of Babylon; (3) the temple of Artemis at Ephesus; (4) the statue of Zeus at Olympia; (5) the mausoleum at Halicarnassus; (6) the Colossus of Rhodes; (7) The Pharos (Lighthouse) at Alexandria.
Seven Wonders of the Mediaeval World
The Colosseum of Rome; (2) the Great Wall of China; (3) the Procelain Tower of Nanking; (4) the Mosque at St Sophia (Constantinople); (5) the Stonehenge of England; (6) the Catacombs of Alexandria; (7) the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
- Blue Mountains = Nilgiri Hills
- Bengal's Sorrow = Damodar river
- City of Palaces = Kolkota
- China's Sorrow = Hwang Ho
- City of Seven Hills = Rome
- City of Skyscrapers = New York
- Cockpit of Europe = Belgium
- Dark Continent = Africa
- Empire city = New York
- Emerald Island = Ireland
- Gift of Nile = Egypt
- Gateway of India = Bombay
- Granite city = Aberdeen ( Scotland )
- Holy land = Jerusaleum
- Island of Cloves = Zanzibar
- Land of Midnight Sun = Norway
- Land of Rising Sun = Japan
- Land of Thousand Lakes = Finland
- Land of Golden Pagoda = Burma
- Land of Morning Calm = Korea
- Land of Maple Leaf = Canada
- Land of Thousand Elephants = Laos
- Land of White Elephants = Thailand
- Land of Five Rivers = Punjab
- Land of Thunderbolt = Bhutan
- PlayGround of Europe = Switzerland
- Rose Pink City = Jaipur
- Roof of World = The Pamirs in Central Asia
- Sugar Bowl of World = Cuba
- Yellow River = Hawang-Ho ( China )
General Knowledge Questions and Answers
No. | General Knowledge Question | Answer |
1 | The first Prime minister of Bangladesh was | Mujibur Rehman |
2 | The longest river in the world is the | Nile |
3 | The longest highway in the world is the | Trans-Canada |
4 | The longest highway in the world has a length of | About 8000 km |
5 | The highest mountain in the world is the | Mount Everest |
6 | The country that accounts for nearly one third of the total teak production of the world is | Myanmar |
7 | The biggest desert in the world is the | Sahara desert |
8 | The largest coffee growing country in the world is | Brazil |
9 | The country also known as "country of copper" is | Zambia |
10 | The name given to the border which separates Pakistan and Afghanistan is | Durand line |
11 | The river Volga flows out into the | Caspian sea |
12 | The coldest place on the earth is | Verkoyansk in Siberia |
13 | The country which ranks second in terms of land area is | Canada |
14 | The largest Island in the Mediterranean sea is | Sicily |
15 | The river Jordan flows out into the | Dead sea |
16 | The biggest delta in the world is the | Ganges Delta |
17 | The capital city that stands on the river Danube is | Belgrade |
18 | The Japanese call their country as | Nippon |
19 | The length of the English channel is | 564 kilometres |
20 | The world's oldest known city is | Damascus |
21 | The city which is also known as the City of Canals is | Venice |
22 | The country in which river Wangchu flows is | Myanmar |
23 | The biggest island of the world is | Greenland |
24 | The city which is the biggest centre for manufacture of automobiles in the world is | Detroit, USA |
25 | The country which is the largest producer of manganese in the world is | China & South Africa |
26 | The country which is the largest producer of rubber in the world is | Malaysia |
27 | The country which is the largest producer of tin in the world is | China |
28 | The river which carries maximum quantity of water into the sea is the | Amazon River |
29 | The city which was once called the `Forbidden City' was | Peking |
30 | The country called the Land of Rising Sun is | Japan |
31 | Mount Everest was named after | Sir George Everest |
32 | The volcano Vesuvius is located in | Italy |
33 | The country known as the Sugar Bowl of the world is | Cuba |
34 | The length of the Suez Canal is | 162.5 kilometers |
35 | The lowest point on earth is | The coastal area of Dead sea |
36 | The Gurkhas are the original inhabitants of | Nepal |
37 | The largest ocean of the world is the | Pacific ocean |
38 | The largest bell in the world is the | Tsar Kolkol at Kremlin, Moscow |
39 | The biggest stadium in the world is the | Strahov Stadium, Prague |
40 | The world's largest diamond producing country is | South Africa |
41 | Australia was discovered by | James Cook |
42 | The first Governor General of Pakistan is | Mohammed Ali Jinnah |
43 | Dublin is situated at the mouth of river | Liffey |
44 | The earlier name of New York city was | New Amsterdam |
45 | The Eiffel tower was built by | Alexander Eiffel |
46 | The Red Cross was founded by | Jean Henri Durant |
47 | The country which has highest population density is | Monaco |
48 | The national flower of Britain is | Rose |
49 | Niagara Falls was discovered by | Louis Hennepin |
50 | The national flower of Italy is | Lily |
51 | The national flower of China is | Narcissus |
52 | The permanent secretariat of the SAARC is located at | Kathmandu |
53 | The gateway to the Gulf of Iran is | Strait of Hormuz |
54 | The first Industrial Revolution took place in | England |
55 | World Environment Day is observed on | 5th June |
56 | The first Republican President of America was | Abraham Lincoln |
57 | The country famous for Samba dance is | Brazil |
58 | The name of Alexander's horse was | Beucephalus |
59 | Singapore was founded by | Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles |
60 | The famous British one-eyed Admiral was | Nelson |
61 | The earlier name of Sri Lanka was | Ceylon |
62 | The UNO was formed in the year | 1945 |
63 | UNO stands for | United Nations Organization |
64 | The independence day of South Korea is celebrated on | 15th August |
65 | 'Last Judgement' was the first painting of an Italian painter named | Michelangelo |
66 | Paradise Regained was written by | John Milton |
67 | The first President of Egypt was | Mohammed Nequib |
68 | The first man to reach North Pole was | Rear Admiral Robert E. Peary |
69 | The most famous painting of Pablo Picasso was | Guermica |
70 | The primary producer of newsprint in the world is | Canada |
71 | The first explorer to reach the South Pole was | Cap. Ronald Amundson |
72 | The person who is called the father of modern Italy is | G.Garibaldi |
73 | World literacy day is celebrated on | 8th September |
74 | The founder of modern Germany is | Bismarck |
75 | The country known as the land of the midnight sun is | Norway |
76 | The place known as the Roof of the world is | Tibet |
77 | The founder of the Chinese Republic was | San Yat Sen |
78 | The first Pakistani to receive the Nobel Prize was | Abdul Salam |
79 | The first woman Prime Minister of Britain was | Margaret Thatcher |
80 | The first Secretary General of the UNO was | Trygve Lie |
81 | The sculptor of the statue of Liberty was | Frederick Auguste Bartholdi |
82 | The port of Baku is situated in | Azerbaijan |
83 | John F Kennedy was assassinated by | Lee Harvey Oswald |
84 | The largest river in France is | Loire |
85 | The Queen of England who married her brother-in-law was | Catherine of Aragon |
86 | The first black person to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize was | Ralph Johnson Bunche |
87 | The first British University to admit women for degree courses was | London University |
88 | The principal export of Jamaica is | Sugar |
89 | New York is popularly known as the city of | Skyscrapers |
90 | Madagascar is popularly known as the Island of | Cloves |
91 | The country known as the Land of White Elephant is | Thailand |
92 | The country known as the Land of Morning Calm is | Korea |
93 | The country known as the Land of Thunderbolts is | Bhutan |
94 | The highest waterfalls in the world is the | Salto Angel Falls, Venezuela |
95 | The largest library in the world is the | United States Library of Congress, Washington DC |
96 | The author of Harry Potter Books is | JK Rowling |
97 | Nickname of New York city is | Big Apple |
98 | What do you call a group of sheep? | A Flock of Sheep |
99 | In which sport do players take long and short corners? | Hockey |
100 | Who was the youngest President of the USA? | Theodore Roosevelt |
101 | How many legs do butterflies have? | 6 Legs & 2 Pair of Wings |
102 | Who invented the Nintendo Wii? | Kashi Kabushiki |
103 | What year does the Nintendo Wii come out? | Late 2006 |
104 | Who invented the Light Bulb? | Humphry Davy |
105 | Who invented the washing machine? | James King |
106 | Who invented the first electric washing machine? | Alva Fisher |
107 | Who invented the safety pin? | Walter Hunt |
108 | Who invented the Vacuum Cleaner? | Hubert Booth |
109 | Who won the Football World Cup in 2006? | Italy |
110 | Which country hosted the Football World Cup in 2006? | Germany |
110 | Who is the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom? | David Cameron |
111 | Who won Men's Singles title in French Open 2010? | Rafael Nadal (Spain) |
112 | Who won Women's Singles title in French Open 2010? | Francesca Schiavone (Italy) |
113 | Who won Men's Doubles title in French Open 2010? | Daniel Nestor (Canada) & Nenad Zimonjic (Serbia) |
114 | Who won Women's Doubles title in French Open 2010? | Serena & Venus Williams (USA) |
115 | What is the longest word in English in which each letter is used at least two times? | Unprosperousness |
116 | What is the most popular breed of dog? | Retrievers |
117 | Who is the CEO of search company Google? | Eric Schmidt |
118 | Who is Miss USA 2010? | Rima Fakih |
119 | Which country won the Thomas Cup title for Badminton in 2010? | China |
120 | Who was the first Indian to join the Indian Civil Services? | Satyendranath Tagore |
121 | Who was the first woman Governor of India? | Sarojini Naidu |
122 | Which two countries have signed the Nuclear Swap deal with Iran? | Brazil and Turkey |
123 | Who won the Madrid Masters men's tournament in 2010? | Rafael Nadal |
124 | Who is CEO of Yahoo? | Carol Bartz |
125 | Who is the first man to climb Mount Everest without oxygen? | Phu Dorji |
126 | How many words can you make from a five letter word by shuffling the places of each alphabet? | 120 |
127 | Speed of computer mouse is measured in which unit? | Mickey |
128 | Who topped Forbes list of 'Billionaire Universities' in 2010? | Harvard University |
129 | Barack Obama's birthday is on which date? | August 4, 1961 |
- Agra – The Taj Mahal, Fatehpur Sikri, Agra Fort
- Delhi - Qutub Minar, Red Fort, Jama Maszid, Lotus Temple, Rail Museum, Doll Museum
- Jammu & Kashmir – Patnitop, Vaishno Devi Temple, Shalimar and Nishant Bagh, Dal lake
- Chandigarh – Rock Garden, Rose Garden, Pinjore Garden, Sukhna Lake
- Himachal Pradesh – Shimla, Dalhousie, Kullu & Manali
- Gangtok – Kanchenjunga National Park, Tsomgo lake, monastries
- Uttaranchal – Dehradun, Massourie, Nanital
- Jaipur – Hawa Mahal, Palace Museum, Sheeshmahal, Jantar Mantar, Chokhi Dhani, other forts and palaces
- Konark – Sun Temple
- Kolkata – Hoogley river, Hawrah Bridge, Eden Gardens, Victoria Memorial Hall, National Library, Rabindra Sarovar, Indian Museum
- Mumbai – Marine Drive, Gateway of India, Prince of Wales Museum, Essel World, Juhu & Chowpatty beaches
- Goa – Beaches, St. Cathedral Church, Mahalakshmi Temple
- Hyderabad – Golconda Fort, Charminar
- Chennai – Marina Beach, St. George Fort, St. Mary Church,
- Andaman & Nicobar Islands
- Lakshdweep Islands
The Wonders of the World
Country Name | Monument |
Australia | Opera House (Sydney) |
China | The Great Wall of China |
Denmark | Kinder disk |
Egypt | Pyramid |
France | Eiffel Tower (Paris) |
India | The Taj Mahal (Agra) |
Italy | Leaning Tower of Pisa |
Japan | Emperial Palace |
Malaysia | Tugu Negara |
Russia | Kremlin (Moscow) |
USA | Statue of Liberty (New York) |
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