- 1952: Community Development Programme (CDP)overall development of rural areas and people’s participation.
- 1960-61: Intensive Agriculture Development program (IADP)To provide loan for seeds and fertilizers to farmers
- 1964-65: Intensive Agriculture Area programme (IAAP)To develop special harvest in agriculture area.
- 1965 : Credit Authorization Scheme (CAS)Involved qualitative credit control of reserve bank of India
- 1966-67: High yielding variety programme (HYVP)To increase the productivity of food grains by adopting latest varieties of inputs of crops.
- 1966-67: Green Revolution:To Increase productivity. Confined to wheat production.
- 1969: Rural Electrification CorporationTo provide electricity in rural areas
- 1972 : Scheme of Discriminatory Interest RateTo provide loan to the weaker sections of society at a concessional interest rate of 4%
- 1972-73 : Accelerated Rural
water Supply Programme (ARWSP)
Providing drinking water in villages - 1973: Drought Prone Area
Protection from drought by achieving environement balace and by developing ground water - 1973: Crash Scheme for Rural
Employment CSRE
For rural employment - 1973-74 : Marginal Farmer
and Agriculture Labor Agency (MFALA)
Technical & financial assistance to marginal farmers - 1974-75: Small Farmer
Development Scheme SFDS
Technical & financial assistance to small farmers - 1975: Command Area
Development Programme: (CADP)
Better utilization of irrigational capacities - 1975: Twenty Point Programme
Poverty eradication and an overall objective of raising the level living - 1977: National Institution
of Rural Development
Training, investigation and advisory for rural development - 1977-78 : Desert Development
Programme: (DDP)
To control the desert expansion by maintaining environment balance - 1977-78: Food For Work Programme:providing food grains to labor
- 1977-78 : Antyodaya Yojna :
Scheme of Rajasthan, providing economic assistance to poorest families - 1979 : Training Rural Youth
for Self Employment TRYSEM (launched on 15th August)
educational and vocational training - 1980 : Integrated Rural Development Programme :IRDP (launched on October 2, 1980)overall development of rural poor
- 1980 : National Rural
Development programme NREP
employment for rural manforce - 1982 : Development of Women
& Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA)
sustainable opportunities of self employment to the women belonging to the rural families who are living below the poverty line. - 1983 : Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme (RLEGP) (Launched on August 15)employment to landless farmers and laborers
- 1983-84: Farmers Agriculture
Service Centers FASCs
Tell the people use of improved instruments of agriculture - 1984 : National Fund for Rural Development : To grant 100% tax rebate to donors and also to provide financial assistance for rural development projects
- 1985: Comprehensive Crop
Insurance Scheme:
Crop Insurance - 1986: Council of Advancement
of People’s Action & Rural Technology (CAPART)
Assistance to rural people - 1986: Self Employment
Programme for the Poor SEPUP
Self employment through credit and subsidy - 1986: National Drinking
Water Mission:
For rural drinking water renamed and upgraded to Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission in 1991. - 1988: Service Area Account
Rural Credit - 1989: Jawahar Rozgar Yojna :
Employment to rural unemployed - 1989: Nehru Rozgar Yojna NRY
Employment to Urban unemployed - 1990: Agriculture &
Rural Debt Relief Scheme: ARDRS
Exempt Bank loans up to Rs. 10000 for rural artisans and weavers - 1990: Scheme for Urban Micro
Enterprises SUME
Assist urban small entrepreneurs - 1990: Scheme of Urban wage Employment SUWEScheme for urban poor’s
- 1990: Scheme of Housing and
Shelter Upgradation (SHASU)
Providing employment by shelter Upgradation - 1991: National Housing Bank
Voluntary Deposit Scheme
Using black money by constructing low cost housing for the poor. - 1992: National Renewal Fund
This scheme was for the employees of the public sector - 1993: Employment Assurance Scheme (EAS) (Launched on October, 2)Employment of at least 100 days in a year in villages
- 1993: Members of parliament
Local Area Development Scheme MPLADS (December 23, 1993)
Sanctioned 1 crore per year for development works - 1994: Scheme for
Infrastructural Development in Mega Cities : SIDMC
Water supply, sewage, drainage, urban transportation, land development and improvement slums projects in metro cities - 1993: District Rural
Development Agency DRDA
Financial assistance to rural people by district level authority - 1993 : Mahila Samridhi Yojna
(October 2, 1993)
Encourage rural women to deposit in Post office schems - 1994 : Child labor
Eradication Scheme
Shift child labour from hazardous industries to schools - 1995: prime Minister Integrated
Urban Poverty Eradication programme PMIUPEP
To eradicate urban poverty - 1995 : Mid day Meal Scheme:
Nutrition to students in primary schools to improve enrolment, retention and attendence - 1996: Group Life Insurance
Scheme for Rural Areas
Insurance in rural area for low premium - 1995: national Social
Assistance programme:
Assist BPL people. - 1997-98; Ganga Kalyan Yojna
Provide financial assistance to farmers for exploring ground water resources - 1997 Kastoorba Gandhi
Education Scheme: (15 August 1997)
Establish girls schools in low female literacy areas (district level) - 1997: Swaran Jayanto Shahari Rojgar Yojna:Urban employment
- 1998: Bhagya Shree Bal
Kalyan Policy
Upliftment of female childs - March 1999 : Annapurna Yojna10 kgs food grains to elderly people
- April 1999: Swaran Jayanto Gram Swarojgar YojnaSelf employment in rural areas
- April 1999: Jawahar Gram Samriddhi YojnaVillage infrastructure
- August 2000 : Jan Shree Bima YojnaInsurance for BPL people
- 2000 : Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya YojnaBasic needs of rural people
- December 25, 2000 : Antyodaya Anna YojnaTo provide food security to poor
- December 25, 2000 : Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna:Connect all villages with nearest pukka road.
- September 2001: Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar YojnaEmployment and food security to rural people
- December 2001: Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojna VAMBAYSlum houses in urban areas
- 2003: Universal health Insurance Scheme:Health insurance for Rural people
- 2004: Vande mataram Scheme VMSInitiative of public Private partnership during pregnecy check up.
- 2004: National Food for Work programmeSupplementary wage as foodgrains for work
- 2004: Kastoorba Gandhi Balika VidyalayaSetting up residential schools at upper primary levels for girls belonging to predominantly OBC, SC & ST
- 2005: Janani Suraksha YojnaProviding care to pregnant women
- 2005, Dec. 16 : Bharat NirmanDevelopment of India through irrigation, Water supply, Housing, Road, Telephone and electricity
- 2005: National Rural Health
Accessible, affordable, accountable, quality health survices to the porest of the poor on remotest areas of the country. - 2005: Rajeev Gandhi Grameen
Vidyuti Karan Yojna:
Extending electrification of all villages and habitations and ensuring electricity to every household. - 2005: Jawahar Lal Nehru
national Urban Renewal Mission: (JNNURM)
Click here to read more - 2006: February 2 : National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme NREGS100 days wage employment for development works in rural areas.
- 2007: Rastriya Swasthya Bima
Yojna :
Health insurance to all workers in unorganized area below poverty line. - 2007: Aam Aadmi Bima Yojna
Insurance cover to the head of the family of rural landless households in the country. - 2009: Rajiv Awas Yojna
To make India slum free in 5 years
- National Food for Work program was merged with NREGA
- Sampoorna Grameen Rojgar Yojna merged with NREGA
- Intesified Jawhar Rozgar Yojna 1993 was merged with Employment Assurance Scheme 1996 which was later merged with Sampoorna grameen Rozgar Yojna 2001.
- IRDP , TRYSEM, DWCRA, Million Wells Scheme, SITRA & Ganga kalian Yojna merged with Swaran jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna.
- Rural Landless Employment Guarantee programme merged with Jawahar Rojgar Yojna which was replaced by Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojna (1999) and Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojna was merged with Sampoorna grameen Rojgar Yojna (2001)